Sprained Ankle Specialist

Sprained Ankle Specialist Lauren Reed DPM

A sprained ankle is a common injury that affects people at all levels of physical activity. At her practice in Houston, Tomball, Cleveland, Texas, Lauren Reed, DPM, treats sprained ankles to get you up and running again.

Dr. Reed’s approach focuses on quick recovery and return to activity, as well as preventing future injuries. For expert care if you’ve suffered a sprained ankle, call Lauren Reed, DPM, or schedule an appointment online today.

Sprained Ankle Q & A

What is a sprained ankle?

A sprained ankle happens when you twist, roll, or turn your ankle beyond its normal range of motion, stretching or tearing the ligaments, which are bands of tissue that connect and stabilize your ankle bones.

Sprained ankles commonly affect athletes, especially athletes who play sports that require lots of twisting or jumping such as soccer, basketball, and tennis. However, you can sprain your ankle during less physically demanding activities as well, such as walking on an uneven surface or even landing on an awkward angle when you get out of bed.

What are the symptoms of a sprained ankle?

Sprained ankles are painful, and while you can often trace the injury to a specific incident, the symptoms vary, especially in severity, depending on whether you stretched or tore the ligaments in your ankle.

The mildest ankle sprains result in a burst of pain when you twist your ankle that fades quickly, but many ankle sprains cause lasting pain that makes it difficult to perform everyday activities and tasks. Symptoms of an ankle sprain include:

  • Pain is worse when you put weight on your ankle
  • Area is tender to the touch
  • Swelling and bruising in the area of the injury
  • Limited range of motion in your ankle

If these symptoms aren’t improving with at-home treatment like rest and ice, are severe enough that you’re unable to walk without pain, or if you regularly get sprained ankles, you should schedule an appointment with Dr. Reed.

How are sprained ankles treated?

Dr. Reed treats ankle sprains with a focus on helping you recover quickly, and also advises you on how to avoid spraining your ankle in the future without reducing your level of activity. In the short-term she recommends icing your ankle, taking anti-inflammatory medicine, and rest. In more severe cases, Dr. Reed applies a compression wrap or fits you with a brace or walking boot so you can support your ankle as it heals, while also remaining mobile.

Dr. Reed will teach you stretching exercises to restore range of motion to your ankle, rebuild strength, and prevent future injuries. She also asks about your exercise habits and identifies any issues with your form, equipment, or training that may contribute to ankle sprains.

If you suspect you’ve suffered an ankle sprain, call Lauren Reed, DPM, or schedule an appointment online today.